A Mother’s Great Faith


5 in stock



This is the story of a mother who had great faith. She was everything a mother should be. But sadly, this woman had an enormous need and this is the story of her quest for Jesus – her problem had driven her straight to the feet of Jesus. Within this story, you will discover the obstacles of this woman’s faith, as well as the character of her faith. And, in conclusion we fully grasp the marvelous rewards of this mother’s great faith.

Preached by Pastor John Miller on Mother’s Day, this booklet is based upon his Sunday morning sermon. Pastor John encourages mothers to be women of Faith, women who know God and walk with Him.

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

Additional information

Weight .125 lbs
Dimensions 0.583 × 0.417 × 0.025 in
Media Type
