Expository preaching details the meaning of a particular text or passage of scripture and explains what the Bible says. This method of preaching is preferred among those who believe that the Bible is God’s spoken word and, therefore, worthy of being presented in its purest essence.
The Nuts & Bolds of Expository Preaching Conference addresses Biblical interpretation, and primarily focuses on the techniques of expository teaching – what it is, why and how we do it. You will hear from seasoned Bible expositors Skip Heitzig, John Miller, Jeff Lasseigne, and Brian Nixon. They will share about the importance of expository preaching and the benefits of it.
This conference includes eight teaching sessions:
The Charge – John Miller
A Theology of Biblical Interpretation – Brian Nixon
Expository Preaching: What It Is – Skip Heitzig
Expository Preaching: Why We Do It – John Miller
Expository Preaching: How To Do It – Skip Heitzig
Making Your Words Count – Jeff Lasseigne
Question and Answer Panel
Building a Forever Faith – Skip Heitzig