The Reasons For Faith Apologetics Conference held at Revival Christian Fellowship in 2013.
Dr. Ron Rhodes president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries teaches a session titled "Why Do Bad...
Dr. Ron Rhodes president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries teaches a session titled "Why Do Bad...
Dr. Joseph Holden president Veritas Evangelical Seminary teaches a session titled "Digging For The Truth; Top 10...
Dr. Joseph Holden president Veritas Evangelical Seminary teaches a session titled "Digging For The Truth; Top 10...
Dr. Norman Geisler teaches a session titled "Is Jesus The Only Way?".
Dr. Norman Geisler teaches a session titled "Is Jesus The Only Way?".
Dr. Ron Rhodes president of Reasoning From The Scriptures Ministries teaches a session titled "Why I Believe...
Dr. Ron Rhodes president of Reasoning From The Scriptures Ministries teaches a session titled "Why I Believe...