The Nuts and Bolts of Expository Preaching


The Nuts & Bolts of Expository Preaching, by John Miller, explains the what, the why, and the how of expository preaching, as well as provides resources for the expositor. This book will challenge and inspire those who teach God’s Word as we discover the tremendous benefits of expository teaching.

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Expository preaching aims to preach the meaning of the text in its historical, grammatical, and theological context. The goal of the expositor is to preach the authorial intent of the text. This method of preaching is the mandate of scripture for pastors. In this book, John Miller explains the what, the why, and the how of expository preaching, as well as provides resources for the expositor. This book will challenge and inspire those who teach God’s Word as we discover the tremendous benefits of expository teaching.

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 0.791 × 0.687 × 0.062 in
Media Type

Book, Book – Wholesale

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